9 Blind Spots That Sabotage Your Career, and How to Beat Them

21/04/2015career transitions, Employee engagement, Happiness At Work, job search, Leadership, talent management, work-life balance

Sophie had been feeling frustrated and stuck in her current position for a few years now.  Yet, leaving behind the good salary and stable position for something unknown scared her, so she procrastined and did nothing.  When company-wide restructuring was announced with cuts across all levels, she was caught off guard. In the state of … Read More

Dealing with difficult people in 6 simple steps

24/12/2014emotional intelligence, Employee engagement, Happiness At Work, interpersonal intelligence, Leadership, talent management, Uncategorized, work-life balance

‘Difficult ‘ or unreasonable people and situations are part of our life – both at the workplace and outside. People who can’t stop talking and have an opinion on every issue. People who are demanding and critical, and intimidate others. Grumpy people who complain non-stop. People who don’t deliver or follow through. Or those that are quick … Read More

Expat Executives: the Secrets to Being Happy and Successful Abroad

12/09/2014career transitions, Employee engagement, expatriation, Leadership, talent management, work-life balance

As more and more companies are expanding operations across borders, there is a growing need for executives to become global managers with a global perspective. It often means a global mindset with a deep understanding of international perspective, cultural portability and cultural intelligence. The biggest challenges faced by global managers working in a 24/7 interconnected … Read More

Ten Habits of Highly Confident People

10/07/2014Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, Happiness At Work, Leadership

A famous American tennis player, Arthur Ashe once said « One important to key to success is self-confidence, and an important key to self-confidence is preparation ». What is self-confidence? For one, it’s the biggest differentiating factor between people who obtain what they want and those who don’t. Self-confidence is all about believing in your intrinsic unique value, … Read More

Six myths and excuses that keep you stuck in a dead-end job

02/06/2014career transitions, cover letters and resumes, Employee engagement, Happiness At Work, job search

Burned out. Stressed. Bored. Frustrated. Angry. Resentful. These are the words my clients use to describe their current job situation. Do any of them ring a bell? One of my clients, Marie, 38, was full of regret about the time she spent with a renowned international consultancy firm. “Those years were a total waste,” she … Read More