Lean into Life, your unique style

04/06/2013career transitions, Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, Leadership, talent management, Uncategorized, work-life balance

Despite the mountain of controversy and publicity around Sheryl Sandberg’s book “Lean In”, I’ll admit that I enjoyed reading it.  I liked the author’s accessible style and the generosity with which she shared personal stories and experiences. Many of those stories revealed a different, more human and less perfect, face of Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. … Read More

Are you prepared to bend geography?

12/04/2013career transitions, entrepreneurship, job search, Leadership, talent management, Uncategorized, work-life balance

A CEO who runs her company from Paris during weekdays but spends weekends at her home in the Alps. A journalist based in Paris who commutes to London every two weeks. A media trainer and consultant shuttling between Amsterdam and South Asia who’s chosen Chamonix, France, as his home base. A French project manager targeting … Read More

Personal Value Proposition and why it matters

16/03/2013career transitions, cover letters and resumes, entrepreneurship, job search, Leadership, networking, talent management

Your Personal Value Proposition – or PVP – is at the heart of your career strategy.  It is the foundation for everything in a job search and career progression – getting promoted, targeting potential employers, attracting the assistance of others, and explaining why you are the one to choose. It shows right employers why they … Read More

The real reason you haven’t landed your “ideal” job yet

08/03/2013career transitions, cover letters and resumes, job search, Leadership, Uncategorized

Deteriorating economies and a constantly rising unemployment rate across Europe are having huge ramifications for job-seekers. Those circumstances require individuals to take a fresh approach to their job search. According to an HR director of one of the Global 500 companies: “The game has changed : now, more than ever, job seekers need to turn their … Read More