Take Up Space

17/11/2022assertiveness, career transitions, careergrowth, Leadership

Are you hamster-wheeling your way to career success? You are not alone. Most women work really hard, going above and beyond every day, focusing on finishing their super long to-do-lists. This is how we’ve been raised: girls, more than boys, get assigned daily tasks to do at home, which they should finish diligently and quietly. … Read More


09/11/2022burnout, career transitions, Leadership, work-life balance

You’ve heard the news, my friend: women managers and executives are leaving companies in the largest numbers. Yet for every 5 women who have moved on to the greener pastures, there are 50 more who are ploughing through, stressed, putting up with microaggressions, feeling under-valued and pushing to prove themselves over and over. IIf you … Read More

Get in the driver’s seat of your career!

06/11/2017art of visibility, career transitions, Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, goal setting, Happiness At Work, interpersonal intelligence, job search, networking, personal branding, self-promotion, soft skills, Uncategorized, visibility

(First published in the international women’s business magazine, BusinessOFeminin.) How are you feeling about your current job?  Let me guess. The chances are you are not very satisfied.  If so, you are not alone.  Studies show that up to 75% of employees globally feel unhappy at work. At a time of high unemployment and lacklustre … Read More

Six Golden Rules for Successful Goal Setting

26/09/2016career transitions, Employee engagement, Happiness At Work, job search, Leadership, Mindfulness, personal branding, work-life balance

How does it feel to be back at work after summer holidays? Are you feeling full of energy and enthusiasm or frustrated about being in the same place and same role? Or are you feeling like… Jean-Paul, a senior executive at a private finance firm, who’s been dreaming of launching his own business for years yet does nothing about it? Or Christine, a … Read More

What is your brand?

19/07/2016career transitions, cover letters and resumes, entrepreneurship, job search, Leadership, LinkedIn, Mindfulness, personal branding, talent management

Being an avid networker, I meet new people all the time. For example, in the past few weeks, I met a woman who is looking to change a career direction but is not sure about what would be the best fit for her and how to get there in France. Another woman told me that she felt fed up working for a low salary … Read More