“I was under so much stress and duress, working 60+ hours per week, I missed the signs that my son was not doing well,” Karina shared.

A senior executive at a multinational company, she decided that she’d had enough, left her corporate career last summer, and is now launching her consultancy business.

You’ve heard the news, {{ contact.FIRSTNAME }}: women managers and executives are leaving companies in the largest numbers (read more about the McKinsey report here if you missed it.)

Overworked, burned out and under-valued, women managers are protesting by their feet. And who could blame them? The pandemic has shown us all what matters most and that life is too short to compromise one’s health.

From what I observe here in Europe, half of these women are moving to companies with better, less toxic, cultures where they hope to be valued more, whereas the other half are opting to set up their own businesses, or even retire early.

Yet for every 5 women who have left their jobs and moved on to the greener pastures, there are 50 more who are ploughing through, stressed, overworked, putting up with micro-aggressions, feeling under-valued and pushing to proving themselves over and over.

If you recognize yourself in the above description, I want you to take a moment for self-reflexion.

1. Own your desires and needs fully.
Ask yourself – What do I need to feel good about my career? Why is it important to me?

2. Accept your fears but don’t let them rule your life.
We all have fears. Nobody is fearless. The first step is to get clear what you’re afraid of so your fears don’t run the show.

3. Design a powerful vision for the next page of your career.
Create a step-by-step strategic plan. This will help you to act despite your fears.

4. Learn to ask for what you want and to sell yourself.
This is one of the most under-developed skills I see in women at all levels, and yet if you don’t know how to advocate for yourself things are not likely to change, even if you change companies or even industries.

5. Quit working so hard. Work smart and be strategic, instead.
This is huge. I see so many women managers struggling setting boundaries, not leveraging their network, not influencing, overcommitting, not delegating efficiently, taking things personally.

This Saturday I am hosting a live 30 min discussion in my private Facebook group, Elevate, with a very specific focus – YOUR CAREER IN 2023: GET SMART & STRATEGIC.

It is the first one in the series where I will be helping women like you gain clarity on what is working and what is not working in your career right now, so you can make some positive changes in 2023.

These series are for you if …

➡️ You are overworked, burning out and dissatisfied, and don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel.
➡️ You are ready to leave your current job but have no clear vision for the future, and don’t know how to change successfully.
➡️ You have been passed over for promotion after promotion and are ready to do something about it.
➡️ You are feeling under-valued and want to learn to advocate for yourself.
➡️ You feel stuck with a toxic boss/environment and need help.

If you recognise yourself above, come to this (free) talk this Saturday to get empowered.

Join our Elevate private Facebook group today to get the invitation.

Let’s make 2023 the year where you will find the recognition that you deserve, together with a better work-life balance, more impact and a better pay check.

Look forward to seeing you this Saturday.
