Happy Thanksgiving!

I came to love and appreciate the Thanksgiving holiday during my time in NYC.

The concept of giving thanks for what we have vs dwelling on what we lack speaks right to my heart.

Did you know that practicing gratitude daily increases happiness and life satisfaction while decreasing depression?

It is easy to feel thankful for the obvious things in life – health, family, job, roof over the head.

It is the less obvious things that we resist to be grateful for.

Difficult people in our lives or painful moments.

Or mistakes and failures.

And that, that’s the deepest form of gratitude.

Today try to find gratitude in your heart not only for the obvious – your kids, friends and family, food on the table, your health.

I invite you to try to feel thankful for all the failures on your way to success.

For all the lessons that you have learned.

For all the people that let you down and taught you about the importance of boundaries, self-love and other valuable lessons.

For, I bet, it is during those painful moments, that you have learned so much more about yourself and what you want and need.

Am I right?

Personally, I am extremely grateful for some things that didn’t work out the way I once wanted them to.

Every negative experience that I’ve lived through has brought me closer to success, and made me a tiny bit more resilient.

And every person that has (unknowingly) caused pain has made me appreciate who I am at the core, and what values I behold.

What are you thankful for today?

With love,