From Overlooked and Overworked to Industry Leader in 2024: Personal Branding Strategies for Women Managers

You Have What It Takes to Gain Recognition in 2024 -- inside your company and on LinkedIn. Let me show you a shortcut to promotions, new job leads and leadership opportunities.


In one hour, you'll learn:

The top 4 career trends you must leverage in 2024 to future-proof and grow your career, and gain recognition as a woman manager (especially in STEM.)

Why building a strong personal brand and growing your visibility internally and externally is non-negotiable in 2024 if you're serious about your career.

The 10 common mistakes most women managers make that cost them promotions, salary raises and new leadership opportunities.

How to know if you convey executive presence in meetings and on LinkedIn - and how to add more confidence to your body language.

The #1 communication strategy used by senior leaders for influencing anyone present, without needing to be the loudest voice in the room.

My signature method that has helped hundreds of managers gain recognition, secure promotions & move to better-fit (and better-paid!) jobs.


This Masterclass is perfect for you if...

  • You are ready to get promoted in the next 6 months and need help positioning yourself effectively.
  • You are tired of working hard and feeling under-valued, and ready to raise your external visibility and attract a flow of new leadership opportunities in 2024.
  • You want to feel at ease and convey executive presence in all your communication, and to no longer feel intimidated when speaking to senior leaders.
  • You're done being the best kept secret in your organisation and want to grow your brand as a leader in 2024 to elevate your profile for new opportunities.
  • You've been feeling stuck in your career, and need expert help to move to a better--paid and better suited position.

"I want to express my sincere appreciation for the enlightening masterclass yesterday – it was truly insightful!"

- Alicia (Paris, FR)

"This was very helpful and eye-opening! I learned much more in 1 hour than in the 6 months spent with a career coach last year!"

- Agata (Bangkok, TH)

A Note From Nadira...

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Just like many women managers and executives I work with, I used to be humble and focus on working hard and diligently delivering results -- until I was passed over for promotions and understood the hard way the importance of advocating for myself, building a strong personal brand, networking with senior leaders, and communicating with executive presence.

My journey evolved from journalism (a senior news editor with BBC News, featured in the New York Times and by AFP) to teaching at Columbia University and running a non-profit association in NYC, to executive career coaching globally from Paris, and now being a Top Voice on LinkedIn. My path to success is a testament to the power of personal branding, visibility and leadership communication.

Since 2012, over 1,000 managers and leaders have entrusted me with helping them advance in their careers and become better leaders.

This brand-new Masterclass encapsulates everything I help my private clients with – from defining your brand, to mastering assertiveness and executive presence in your communication, to positioning yourself as a rising leader on LinkedIn.

These are the strategies that truly work, and I’m excited to share them with you.

If the prospect of growing in your career, gaining due recognition, and unlocking new leadership opportunities excites you, then you're exactly where you need to be. I can't wait to meet you on the 30th!

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